From 2020 to 2021, the number of people playing golf in the UK rose to 5.2 million – that's the highest figure recorded this century!
The number of people playing golf has remained high since then, and the sport's newfound popularity doesn't appear to be dying down. This trend has got people wondering: why is golf so popular in 2023?
COVID-19 helped the game to grow
Thanks to the lockdown measures and social distancing restrictions that were introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic, most sports were off-limits in 2020.
For quite a while, golf was one of the only sports you could play while observing social distancing rules. As all of us grew desperate for a reason to leave the house, more and more people decided to become members of their local golf clubs.
But while COVID-19 certainly generated an initial surge in interest, golf's popularity has remained high even now that lockdown restrictions are no longer in place. So there must be other reasons why golf courses are currently busier than ever before!
Golf is the perfect antidote to working from home
During the pandemic, many people started to work from home...and now, almost three years later, a decent number are still working from home. The way we work has changed, perhaps permanently.
The shift towards remote working has brought with it a number of benefits - for example, a reduction in carbon emissions and rush hour traffic - but it can also be very isolating. Many workers have been left with no reason to leave their homes, which can be very bad for one's mental and physical health.
And that's where golf comes in. When you need to blow the cobwebs away, there's nothing better than going for a walk around a beautiful golf course, getting some fresh air, observing nature, and having lively conversations with like-minded individuals.
Golf allows us to spend quality time catching up with friends and loved ones, and the sport can be a lifeline for those who live alone and are interested in meeting new people and making friends. After being cooped up at home working, golf is the perfect physical and mental stress relief - the benefits can't be overstated!
Golfers get plenty of exercise
Golf is a fantastic way to get your body moving! It's a low-impact sport that puts little stress on your joints, making it accessible to just about anyone. You don't have to be an athlete to get out on the course, and through the use of handicaps, you can play with players of all different levels!
The average golfer walks between two and six miles during an 18-hole round, making golf a great a way to get active without stressing your body. It's sociable, relaxing, and most of all, enjoyable!
Golf is popular because it's fun!
We've saved the best (and most obvious) point for last: golf is an incredibly fun game! Whether you're spending quality time with loved ones or making new friends, golf is a great way to liven up your day, get your steps in, and let off some steam.
No two games of golf are ever the same. You can play the same course again and again and have a different outcome every time. It's a diverse and flexible game that's a good fit for extroverts who love meeting new people, but also for more introverted types who would rather play with people they already know.
There are endless reasons to love golf, so it's really no surprise that the sport is as popular as it is right now!
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